
Fairtrade Research and Publications


  • 2023 Annual Report

  • Monitoring the scope and benefits of Fairtrade: Overview - Monitoring Report, 15th Edition

  • Fairtrade West Africa Cocoa Programme Monitoring Report, Fourth Edition

  • Life cycle assessment of cut roses: Analysing the environmental impacts of Fairtrade (Kenya) and conventional (Netherlands) production systems

  • Fairtrade Living Income - Progress Report 2023

  • Supporting shared responsibility: Fairtrade human rights and environmental due diligence report

All Publications

  • Placeholder

    Synthese de l’etude d’impact du commerce equitable sur les organisations et familles paysannes et leurs territoires dans la filiere cafe des Yungas de Bolivie

    Published: 28 Apr 2006

    Le commerce équitable crée les conditions d’un réel développement pour les producteurs du Sud. FLO et Max Havelaar France éprouvent le besoin de quantifier les bénéfices du commerce équitable auprès des producteurs certifiés. En collaboration avec des ONG comme AVSF, il a donc mis en place un vaste dispositif de mesure ...

  • Placeholder

    2003-04 annual report: Shopping for a better world

    Published: 1 Jul 2004

    Our annual report for 2003-04 provides an overview of key Fairtrade activities and statistics. "The bottom line for Fairtrade is impact: a better life for small-scale producers in developing countries; a widespread commitment by consumers to buy from these producers and pay a price that allows them to have enough to eat, ...

  • Placeholder

    Fairtrade bananas impact study: Dominica, Windward Islands

    Published: 30 Jun 2004

    A study on the impact of Fairtrade bananas on the Dominican (Windward Islands) economy.

  • Placeholder

    Factsheet: Towards living wages & living incomes - Anker reference values

    Published: 23 Oct 2024

    The demand for living wage and living income estimates has surged in recent years as more and more companies and organisations recognise the importance of living wages and living income for sustainability. Fairtrade believes that measuring the gaps between what people receive in return for their labour and what they need ...

  • Placeholder

    Delivering Impact for Farmers and Workers through Outcome-Based Programmes

    Published: 23 Oct 2024

    We acknowledge that Fairtrade cannot achieve its vision through certification alone. For this reason, we complement our certification services with a range of tailored programmes. To date, we have implemented more than 150 projects and we are leveraging this experience to scale up and deliver more innovative and ...

  • Placeholder

    Supporting the implementation of the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive in global supply chains involving smallholders and their communities

    Published: 23 Oct 2024

    This paper highlights crucial measures that the European Union and member states should develop for an effective implementation of the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD), particularly focusing on supporting smallholder farmers and their communities outside the EU. The CSDDD is an EU directive ...

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