Mulane Jabessa is beaming as she lights her new energy efficient
stove, one of 40,000 that are being distributed by Oromia Coffee
Farmers’ Cooperative Union as part of a project to tackle one of the
biggest challenges coffee farmers face – climate change.
Oromia Coffee Farmers’ Cooperative Union is based in the Oromia
region of Ethiopia – the birthplace of coffee. It has been Fairtrade
certified since 2002, with around 90,000 of its members growing
Fairtrade coffee.
All six varieties of Oromia’s coffee are forest-grown, organic and
bird-friendly. Producing coffee and living in an environmentally
friendly way is important to the members of the co-op. But there are
still pressures on the environment, such as deforestation for firewood
and the need for new arable land.
In the Ghimbi region of Oromia, there is a project underway which
will help slow the rate of deforestation and tackle that other big
challenge to coffee farmers – climate change. Coffee is one of the crops
most affected by changes in temperature and climate. As diseases and
pests become more prevalent, and patterns of rainfall change it becomes
harder to grow coffee successfully. Rising temperatures affect crop
yields. Recent research has shown that coffee yields in the main
producing countries are expected to drop dramatically by 2050. This will
lead to difficult financial conditions for coffee farmers and
eventually, entrenched poverty.
Oromia is one of the first producer groups to pilot the new Fairtrade Climate Standard.
It means 20,000 coffee farmers can improve their living conditions and
income, while also becoming more resilient to the effects of climate
Work is already underway to make and distribute 40,000 energy
efficient stoves to 20,000 households in coffee growing communities in
the Ghimbi region. These will replace the traditional three-stone fires
used in Ethiopian cooking. Every household uses one stove for regular
cooking and one to bake injera, a flatbread traditionally made from teff
flour. No meal in Ethiopia is complete without injera. The farmers pay
for the stoves partly in cash, and partly with the carbon credits that
are produced by using the stoves.
Locally, four production centres have been set up to make and
distribute the injera stoves, which has created jobs and additional
income for the local community.
With more energy efficient stoves, women spend less time gathering
firewood and can prepare meals more quickly, meaning they have more time
for their families and other work. ‘In the old times we had to use so
much wood but now a small amount is enough and I can go on with other
work of mine,’ says Mulane Jabessa. Mabraat Kabbada, another woman
farmer and member of the cooperative, is pleased too: ‘When we used the
traditional stoves we had to collect wood every day. Since we use the
new and improved cookstoves we only go three times a week.’
There are also health benefits to the new stoves. They produce less
smoke, so families benefit from cleaner air. Mabraat says ‘the old
cookstove has lots of smoke and harms our family, causes headaches and
eye irritation.’ Mulane feels the new cookstoves are much safer too:
‘The difference is that the old way of cooking burned our legs and hands
and our eyes got irritated. This one is much better.’
The new cookstoves also means less harmful greenhouse gases are
produced when cooking. That makes the farmers eligible for carbon
credits which can then be sold as Fairtrade Carbon Credits under the new Fairtrade Climate Standard.
The reduction on carbon dioxide emissions with the new stoves compared
to cooking over an open fire is up to 70%. It’s estimated that the
project will generate over 30,000 carbon credits per year. The Fairtrade
Premium from the carbon credits goes towards projects which will make
the whole community better equipped to deal with the effects of climate
change. Mabraat sees belonging to the co-operative as a double win, ‘we
received the cookstove through our co-operative and also we are able to
market our coffee through the co-operative.’