2019-2020 Annual Report

Published: 8 Dec 2020


Our annual report for 2019-2020 highlights Fairtrade's impact for more than 1.7 million farmers and workers around the world.

Focusing on key metrics from 2019, innovative programmes, and timely research, the report presents our work on five strategic priorities: building benefits for farmers and workers, deepening impact through services and programmes, building Fairtrade markets, influencing government policies, and building a strong global system.

"The past year has required resilience and adaptation as we stand together with producers to weather the COVID-19 crisis. (...) Fairtrade has mobilized more than €15 million in Producer Resilience and Relief funds thanks to the partnership of companies, NGOs and government partners. Our producer networks have already distributed funds to more than 580 producer organizations and counting, benefitting 475,000 people. But farmers and workers don’t just need emergency funds – they need a fairer and more sustainable system of trade that supports decent livelihoods, a healthy environment and human rights throughout supply chains."

-- Darío Soto Abril, Global Chief Executive Officer, Fairtrade International, from the report's foreword