Monitoring the scope and benefits of Fairtrade: Flowers
Monitoring report, 10th Edition
Monitoring the scope and benefits of Fairtrade: Flowers – Monitoring report, 10th Edition
Note: We began reporting key monitoring data differently starting with 2017 figures. Product-specific reports for the top seven Fairtrade products by volume are being added as they become available. Fairtrade first began certifying flowers in 2001 to address labour rights and environmental challenges in the industry and offer consumers responsibly produced flowers. Many Fairtrade certified flowers come from large-scale flower farms scattered across East Africa – primarily in Kenya where approximately half of Europe’s imported Fairtrade flowers originate, and in Ethiopia which contributes around 40 percent of Europe’s flower imports. By far the largest category of Fairtrade flowers sold are cut roses (more than 97 percent of sales in 2017), with cut carnations (1.9 percent) and various young plants and grasses making up the remainder. Young plants are those that are started off in warm climates, then exported to Europe for growth to maturity and eventual retail sale.