Prepared and preserved fruit and vegetables

Product Standard for Contract Production

This standard covers the purchase and sale of fruit juices, and dried fruits and vegetables in their primary (dried) as well as in their further processed form (cut, sliced, etc.).

For Contract Production, this standard applies to dried fruit in Pakistan.

Prepared and Preserved Fruit and Vegetables / Frutas y Verduras Preparadas y Conservadas / Les Fruits et les Légumes Preparés et Conservés / Frutas e Verduras Preparadas e Conservadas

This Standard includes all types of dried fruit, fruit juices and dried vegetables for which Fairtrade Prices exist.

EN | Fairtrade Standard for Prepared and Preserved Fruit and Vegetables

ES | Criterio de Comercio Justo Fairtrade para Frutas y Verduras Preparadas y Conservadas

FR | Standard du Commerce Equitable Fairtrade pour les fruits et les légumes préparés et conservés

PT | Critério do Comércio Justo para Frutas e Verduras Preparadas e Conservadas

This Standard includes all types of dried fruit, fruit juices and dried vegetables for which Fairtrade Prices exist.

For Contract Production, this standard applies to dried fruit in Pakistan.

Dried fruit: acai, apricots, bananas, blueberries, cherries, coconuts, dates, mangoes, pineapples, papayas, pears, physalis, plums, raisins, raspberries, sultana, wild apricots, others

This product-specific standard applies (whole or in part) to contract production organizations as explained here. Together, the Fairtrade Standard for Contract Production and the product standard above define the terms of trade. Please read both documents for further guidance.

Does your company want to trade this Fairtrade product?

Aspects of this product standard also apply to companies that wish to trade with producers. The product standard above works in conjunction with the Fairtrade Trader Standard to outline the terms of trade for this product.